Why Your Vape Pen Blinking and how to fix

3 November 2023
Is your vape pen blinking all of a sudden, and you cannot seem to figure out what is causing it? Today, we will delve into the reasons why your vape pen may be blinking and provide you with insight as well as potential solutions to fix the vape pen blinking problem. If your vape pen is blinking three times and you’re looking to fix it, then this blog will have all your answers.
While your first instinctive thought might be that the battery is low due to the flickering LED, that LED can also sometimes indicate that something may be wrong with the circuit. Some vape pens may flash three times, while others may blink ten times or more. There are several causes and solutions for disposable vape pens with a blinking light, so let us answer your question of why is my vape pen blinking.
What are the possible causes of vape pen blinking and how to fix them?
While there can be numerous reasons as to why your vape pen might be blinking, we will cover the most common and most frequently occurring ones for you, as well as some uncommon ones that might occur. Figuring out the reason for your vape pen blinking might require you to closely inspect and examine your vape pen, but we are certain that this is your go-to article for finding the solution to the problem. We highly recommend reading the entire article because it will provide you with the necessary insight into a plethora of problems that you will be able to solve right away in the future.
We will ensure that you have a solid understanding of not only how to identify the root cause but also how to fix it so your vape pen stops blinking. It is also essential to understand that the presence of a blinking pen on a vape device does not necessarily imply a significant problem or failure. Understanding the common causes of vape pen blinking and how to stop the flashing light might aid in troubleshooting; additionally, it's crucial to remember that not all gadgets have the same type of indicator light. Now that we have made that evident, let's get into it.
It can be quite a nuisance to deal with such a problem as it can be hard to detect where the problem lies. Vapes are becoming advanced as well so we don’t know what to expect and what to not expect when vape pen blinking starts. The best way to diagnose the issue is to identify the potential causes of why it is blinking. Here are the reasons your vape pen might be blinking:
1. Drained Battery
The most common reason for your vape pen blinking is that the battery has been depleted. You should be able to estimate when your vape pen's battery runs out of juice and needs to be recharged based on the size of the battery. So, first and foremost, locate the charging port on your vape pen and determine the type of port it uses. The most convenient vape pens charge via a 510-threaded USB connector; others do require a micro-USB or USB-C cable. After that, purchase the USB cable in case you already don’t have one that fits the port and can charge your vape pen.
2. Low Battery
Moving on to the second reason, which is directly linked to the first one, the battery of your vape might be running low. Once the battery is about to run out, depending on your vape, it may blink three times or even upward of ten. This tends to act as an indicator for the user to recharge their vape pen as it is running low on battery. So, to reiterate the solution, locate the charging port on your vape and determine the port used. Once that is established, connect your vape pen to a charger and let it charge to its maximum capacity. Low battery is one of the major causes of why your vape pen might be blinking. For optimal performance of your vape, it is also advisable to keep your battery charged whenever you begin vaping.
3. Overheating of Battery
Another issue that is related to your vape blinking is overheating. Some vapes may begin to blink repeatedly once a certain temperature threshold is reached. This problem is easier to identify as your vape pen becomes exceedingly hot to hold. First and foremost, it is essential to understand why your vape overheats. First, check if your batteries are cold enough to touch; if so, remove them, and check whether there are any bulges in the battery while keeping them away from any flammable things. If there are any abnormalities with them, we would recommend getting a new pair, as the price surely outweighs the potential risk they bear.
4. Connection Problems
Another common issue that might contribute to your vape pen blinking is connection issues, this might occur because the connectors on your vape pen can develop muck, grime, and debris over time, affecting the functionality of your pen. So ensure you clean these connections gently with a Q-tip preferably coated in isopropyl alcohol, and before reassembling and puffing, make sure everything is dry. Wipe off the pen with a moist towel. Moreover, the overtightening of the atomizer also serves as a typical source of these connection difficulties. If you tighten the atomizer too tightly, the connection with the device may be severed.
5. Running out of E-Liquid
Another occasion when you might wonder, “Why is my vape pen blinking” is when your e-fluid, or per se, your juice, runs out. When this happens, your vape pen may begin blinking repeatedly, indicating that you need to replace or refill the cartridge. Take a closer look at your vape pen's juice compartment; you should be able to easily determine if your cartridge is low on juice, and if so, you will need to change the cartridge. First, remove and discard the old one before screwing the new one into the battery. Lastly, check that the freshly fitted cartridge is securely fastened. This is a quick fix, all you have to do is to get new e-liquid and once you refill, the vape pen will stop blinking.
6. Overused or Burnt Coil
If you find yourself using your vape pen excessively, It is unavoidable that the coil will be damaged as a result of it. Prolonged vaping sessions can always lead to your vape pen overheating, which leads to the coil of the vape pen burning. While your vape pen may begin to blink, this is one of the easier problems to identify because if your puff tastes burned, it is very likely that your coil is burned and must be replaced immediately. The first indication is generally a loss of flavor, followed by a decrease in vapor output. Even at that point, you can extract some life from your coil.
Other Possible Causes of Vape Pen Blinking?
If you still haven't found the solution to "your vape pen blinking”, we will cover some more problems that frequently arise and the plausible solutions for them as well. Starting with too many puffs in a short period, if you attempt to take too many puffs too quickly, your vape pen may begin to blink, so to avoid this issue, take smaller puffs and wait a little before going in for another one. When taking hits, it is easy to overdo it at times. Keep in mind that both the atomizer coil within the vaporizer and the battery generate heat. Vapes feature circuits that limit the output in a single period to safeguard the unit from overheating. Another common reason might be that you are using an inadequate attachment with your vape pen, which inadvertently leads to your vape pen blinking. So this also has a rather easier fix.
First, we would recommend detaching the attachment and trying to replace it with a similar attachment from a different brand. This will enable you to determine whether the issue lies in the attachment itself or your removable cart. Either way, you should be able to replace the part, and this should stop the vape pen from blinking.
To wrap everything up, we hope you were able to find the solution to your vape pen blinking, as we ensured to delve into the most frequently occurring reasons as well as some not so common issues relating to why your vape pen might blink, ranging from drained batteries to overheating to even connectivity problems. From dissecting each problem to its roots, we have also provided additional reasons to answer your question “why is my vape pen blinking”, such as taking too many puffs in a short time span or an incorrect attachment used with the vape pen, which can also lead to your vape pen blinking.