WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Why Is My Vape Spitting? 10 Reasons Solved | Tips & Fixes

Has hot vape juice ever spit into your mouth during a vape? Worry not many vapers often find themselves asking, Why is my vape spitting? Spitback is the term commonly used to describe this. It can transform a good vaping session into an irritating one.

In this blog, we will look into the various reasons for vape juice spitting and give some real solutions to avoid that.

If you are an old pro or a complete newbie to the vaping world, solving the problem of spit back and ways to get rid of it will greatly improve your experience.

Let's find out the contributing factors to the problem and the ways to keep your vape sessions smooth and trouble-free.

What is Vape Spitback?

Vape spitback is when hot vape juice shoots into your mouth as you take a hit. It isn't pleasant it's kind of like little droplets of hot frying pan oil shooting into your mouth that cause an icky and sometimes painful sensation.

It usually results from excess liquid in the coil not vaporizing completely when inhaled. Then this hot liquid gets drawn into your mouth, leading to what is referred to as spitback.

Why Is My Vape Spitting.webp

There are a few other explanations for reasons this spitback on the vape might happen to occur, for example:

  • Oversaturation: In the case when the coil is oversaturated with e-juice, the quantity of vaporization is not sufficient, leading to spit-back.

  • Over-inhalation: Drawing too hard or too deep can allow excess liquid to go into the coil, which could be a cause for spitting.

  • Over-priming: Applying too much e-liquid onto a new coil can lead to flooding, which in turn would cause spitback.

  • Incorrect Power Settings: With too much lower wattage, the coil will not vaporize the liquid properly, which then causes spit back.

Being aware of and dealing with one drop of these things can help you prevent the spit-back and make you have a smoother, more fulfilling vaping experience.

Why My Vape Is Popping And Spitting End?

  • Your Vape Tank Is Flooded With Too Much E-Juice

Overfilling the tank may cause it to flood and, therefore, spit out the excess e-juice. You should ensure that the tank is filled up to its recommended level to prevent the problem.

  • Don't Over-Flood Your Vape

Wet coils happen when more juice than what is necessary is in the coil area, especially if the wicks are overly saturated. Ensure the coil is seated properly and is not oversaturated with juice.

  • Excessive Inhaling

Deep draws or overzealous drawings might suck more e-liquid into the coil than it can vaporize, resulting in spitback. Drawing smaller volumes should help with this.

  • Why You Need To Replace Your Wick

If this wicking material goes on over time, it results in vape spit-back, especially during those moments when the wicking material is saturated with e-liquids. Regular replacement of liquid from the wick will help maintain a smooth vape.

  • Your Coil Could Be Done as Well

It may be replaced with a whole new coil or one when the existing coil gets damaged due to overuse or wear and tear. An old coil may no longer be able to vaporize the liquid properly, which may lead to spit back.

Your Coil Could Be Done as Well.webp

  • Do Not Over Prime The Coil

This results in case too much liquid is applied directly to the coil; excess liquid sitting on the coil is the cause of spit back. Only a few drops are used during priming.

  • Start the Battery Up Before You Inhale VALIDATE

Fire a few seconds before hitting the flame; this allows the coil to heat up properly for correct vaporization to occur, thereby reducing the risk of spitback dry burning.

  • You need to use an E-liquid with more VG

VG-based e-liquids are much thinner and thicker than props-based e-liquids and therefore experience much less spitback. Maybe you should try to go for a higher VG ratio.

  • Turn Up the Volume

Just bumping up the wattage a bit on your vape mod can increase the vaporization of the liquid so much that it limits spitback. Just be careful, you don't want to burn your coil.

  • You Could Be Using the Wrong Juice

The aforementioned applies to all e-liquids, not to all devices. Using a thicker or thinner liquid quantity than what your device was prescribed may cause your device some problems. Best to consult your device specifications.

Wrong Juice

Ways To Prevent Spit-Back

  • Drain Off Excess Juice Using The Chimney

Excess e liquid around your tank's center post can cause spit back. Remove any excess e-liquid with a cotton bud. Be there

  • Try flicking your tank a bit

It shouldn't be enough to get it to spit, but it might just get rid of that excess juice that's causing the trouble.

  • Reduce your airflow, or take smaller deep inhales

Reduce airflow and the amount of liquid being drawn into the coil by turning the adjustable airflow to a lower setting. You are likely to experience less popping with less airflow and smaller inhale as well.

  • Soak up every drop of the extra liquid from the center post of your tank

Just ensure there is no liquid overflow in the center post from time to time by cleaning.

  • Use A VG-Based Vape Juice

High VG liquids are thicker and allow for much less likelihood of spitting back than PG-based liquids.

  • Cover Your Mouth-piece

If you experience any spitback, using a pipe screen on the mouthpiece might help filter undesirable droplets out.

  • Use an E Liquid With More VG

VG eLiquids are much thicker and so produce considerably less spit-back compared to the thinner PG-based eliquids. Go for high VG eliquids to prevent that back-of-throat taste surprise.

  • You May Need to Tap Your Vape More

Sometimes, it helps to just give your vape device a little tap to knock out any excess liquid sitting in the coil or tank that has not vaporized and has been creating spitback.

  • Want a Device That Won't Spit Back?

Think about upgrading to a direct lung coil or a spat back-minimizing vape kit. Most vape kits come with spray protection, which minimizes the spitback.

  • Prime Your Coil Properly

Using a minimal amount of e-liquid will prevent flooding and therefore provide better priming to result in better vaping.

Prime Your Coil Properly.webp


How do I stop my vape from spitting?

Do not over-prime the wick. Keep a few short strokes in a row to reduce the spigot in the coils because it will cause more E liquid and more fluid. Use a lower-powered vaping wattage as this reduces the heat that is generated when vaping.

Why does my vape crackle and spit?

If vapor crackles pop out of the vapor during use, you will probably use a vaper with a strong atomizer coil to control it.

You are also likely to find that the heated surface of this coil is composed of resistance wire which spirals. Until recently, the most common vaping coil was made.

Why does my vape shoot juice in my mouth?

Vapespitting occurs in the atomizer flooding. Spitting often occurs in combination with gurgling vape popping noises indicating floods.

Temporarily raise the wattage settings for vaporizing excess juice in case of spitback. Keep the coils heating properly and vaporize it evenly.

Why does my vape shoot juice in my mouth.webp

Is it bad to hit a spitting vape?

While vapes have been known for euphoric effects, they can also cause gastrointestinal discomfort if consumed. Too much nicotine may cause nausea, though ingesting large amounts of nicotine may be harmful to your health.

How to stop a disposable vape from spitting?

To prevent a disposable vape from spitting, try tapping it gently on a hard surface to dislodge the excess liquid.

However, if it is a refillable cartridge, do not overfill it. Additionally, try taking shorter and slower puffs.

Why is my vape spitting juice in my mouth?

Your vape is spitting too much juice back into your mouthpiece because too much e-liquid is pooling in the coil and not being vaporized, usually because of over-priming or drawing too hard.

Why is my vape crackling and spitting?

It is caused by excess e-liquid in the coil of your vape, which gives it flooding and incomplete vaporization; in turn, it tends to make it crackle and pop.

This can also be caused by using too much e liquid on forceful draws or by using e juice with a VG that is too high.

Why is my disposable vape spitting?

A disposable e-cigarette might be spitting due to e-liquid accumulation in the mouthpiece or coil. This might be either because you are pulling the e cigarette out too hard or the e cigarette device is malfunctioning. Try to make softer and slower puffs to reduce spitting.


Understanding the reasons for the common issue of why my vape spitting is critical to bettering your cause for overall enjoyment.

Problems like spitback can be greatly reduced by identifying key factors such as overfilling the vape tank beforehand, inhaling too hard, or the use of incorrect e-liquid.

Regular coil and wick maintenance, correct priming technique, and adjustment of power settings are also key steps that prevent this problem. Here are some other ways to keep spitback away and still enjoy a smooth and rewarding vaping experience.

If you have issues that persist, do ask for advice at your local vape shop or consider upgrading your setup with something that is more spatter-resistant.

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