WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Is It Bad To Hit A Burnt Vape?


Vaping has grown in popularity as an effective substitute for smoking, but there are still some hazards associated with the habit that should be kept in mind. While vaping, you may have a burnt coil or you may experience a dry hit. This is one of the many irritating experiences that vapers frequently report having. 

Is It Bad To Hit A Burnt Vape.webp

Even after tasting the burnt coil, vapers frequently attempt to prolong the life of a defective coil, putting up with the uncomfortable feeling until it becomes evident that a replacement is necessary. You might consider it harmless because you think that it's nothing more than a foul taste of burnt coal. It may surprise you to learn that this vaping option can cause lung damage. In the worst situation, you can even experience organ damage and breathing problems.

What’s A Burnt Vape? 

Every vaper has encountered the problem of a burned vape at some point. Vapes are quite handy, especially disposable ones. In addition to providing an excellent smoking optimal vaping experience, they are praised for their charming looks. Burnt vape devices, however, can result in excruciatingly bad vaping experiences. An aftertaste of burnt e-liquid occurs when the coil is burned by improperly heated e-juice.

A burnt coil is easily identified by its blackened look and the smell of cigarette smoke it releases. Luckily, it's usually easier to avoid this issue than to solve it. It is essential to maintain an uninterrupted supply of e-juice to the vaporizer coils in order to avoid direct burning. To extend the overall life of their own vaping devices or equipment, many people ask how to fix the wires or coils on vape pens.

In addition, in order to ensure smooth vaping sessions and extend coil lifespan, regular coil changes are necessary.


Why Does My Vape Has Burnt Taste?

Your vape smoke may taste burned for a number of reasons, a few of the reasons we have listed below:

Coil Issues and Unpleasant taste

Unfortunately, there are a number of causes why a vape would taste burnt or unpleasant taste otherwise. While some problems are preventable, others will inevitably involve purchasing a new vape entirely. One of these issues could be because of the coil. A potential source of coil quality issues could be poor manufacturing. Since coils are frequently made by hand, there is a high possibility of human error. Machines are not perfect all the time.

In addition to this, coils may approach the limit of their useful lifespans. Since coils don't have an official expiration date, it is up to the user to decide how long they last. The coil life is affected by various factors such as how often you vape, what kind of e-juice you use, how many e-juices you use with just one coil, and the power output your vape runs at. 

Chain Vaping

Chain vaping is inhaling continuously without letting the coil cool down in between draws. Your coil burns down more quickly than usual as a result of continuous smoking. In addition, taking several puffs quickly evaporates the e-juice in the wick, which increases the risk of the coil overheating and burning out. As a result, your vape will taste burned because of the damage.

Type and Quality of E-Liquids

Some e-liquids, like dessert and sweet flavors, have a thick viscosity that might cause blockages in the coils. This limitation makes it difficult for the e-juice to pass through properly, which leads to a residue buildup that finally burns the coil and makes it worthless.

However, if the e-juice is too thin or watery, the coil's burnt wicking material won't be able to absorb it quickly enough. As a result, you will be unable to smoke without experiencing that awful burnt taste.

High Power Vaping

Smoking at a voltage that is too much for your coil can result in a burnt flavor in your vapor. A high voltage suggests that your wick won't be able to wash out fast enough and that the e-juice will begin to evaporate more quickly. You will get a burnt taste in your mouth and you will get a burnt wick as well. 


How To Avoid Burnt Vape?

There are various ways to avoid the burning of your vape. They also help increase the performance and longevity of the vape. Vape needs regular cleaning and maintenance to protect it from burning for a long time. With the help of the following techniques, you can easily clean your vape, enhance its functionality, and protect it from getting burnt. 

Maintain The Coil

Coils come with a limited lifetime. However, you can still increase its longevity a little bit with regular cleaning and maintenance techniques. Moreover, frequent maintenance protects the coil from overheating and burnt vape experience. 

It's best to use the same flavor of e-juice, instead of switching flavors. This protects the coil from blocking with different residues and ensures longer durability.

Each device comes with its own wattage capacity. Charging with more or less watts may burn the coil or damage the device. Therefore, read the wattage capability of the device and charge it with enough power as per the manufacturer’s instructions. 

Consider priming the new coil before using it. It ensures that the coil is fully saturated which gives you a juicy hit on every puff and it will eliminate the burnt hits. This also protects the burnt vape. 

Clean The Tank Regularly

Always rinse the tank of your vape while switching e-liquid flavor. Each e-liquid offers a different flavor and taste. When you fill the different flavor e-liquid in the tank without washing it, it may leave the taste of the previous flavor too. The remaining residue of previous e-juice affects the taste and gives an uncomfortable vaping experience. Moreover, the rinsing tank also cleans the coil which increases the coil's efficiency. 

Use Special Cleaning Solutions for harmful chemicals

Use special types of cleaning solutions to clean the coil occasionally. Well, most vapers do not clean their coil with special solutions ever in their life, while others do not consider it very effective. The use of water, vodka, or other solutions significantly helps clean the coils. But if you do not clean your vape regularly, then these methods would also not work. Hence, regular coil cleaning with these solutions is necessary.

Adopt Different Vaping Method

Chain smoking consumes all the e-liquid which leads to overheating coils and dry wicks. This significantly results in a burnt vaping experience. 

Give your vape breaks of 20-30 hits after every single puff. It cools down the coil of your vape and gives it time to absorb enough e-liquid.

Refill Your E-Liquids

Before every hit of the vape, always check the e-liquid level. When you try to vape with low e-liquid, it will result in dry hits. Moreover, it also slows down the performance of the coil and device. 

Therefore, regularly re-fill your e-liquid tank. Those who use disposable vape must switch to a refillable vape device. So you do not have to wait to purchase a new one.

Do Not Vape While Charging

It is advised to not use vape especially when it's one charging. No matter how tempting the situation would be, never vape while the device is on charge. It negatively impacts the functionality of the coil, makes it burnt, and also may damage the device. Moreover, while charging, vaping generates power which may result in short circuit and device damage.


Is Continued Use Of A Burnt Coil Problematic?

Vaping is considered a safe alternative to smoking cigarettes but it is not as safe as it seems. When the e-juice in most coil packs the vape does not heat properly, it results in a burned, dry coil. This gives off a burnt taste on every puff and causes an uncomfortable vaping experience.

A burnt coil does not absorb the e-liquid properly and gives dry hits. This also damages the vaping device itself. So you end up changing the whole vape device instead of the coil.

Apart from giving off a unpleasant burnt taste, burnt coil releases harmful chemicals into your body which have severe effects on your health. Some common toxic chemicals include Acrolein, Formaldehyde, and Acetaldehyde. Prolonged exposure to these toxic substances results in serious respiratory health issues. 

Is Using A Burnt Coil For Vaping Harmful To One’s Health?

Respiratory Problems

Continuous use of burnt coil leads to severe respiratory problems. Coils used the most popular flavoring chemical, diacetyl to increase the vaping taste. Longer exposure to such chemicals results in lung problems. 

Diacetyl affects the small airways of a lung and causes Popcorn Lung. It is also known as Bronchiolitis Obliterans disorder. Many countries even banned the usage of diacetyl in e-juices due to its negative impact on health. 

Moreover, the prolonged use of burnt vape enhances the symptoms of chest pains, breath difficulty, wheezing, and coughing. In severe cases, acute exposure continuous use of burnt vape also causes Collapsed Lung, COPD, PSP, and Lipoid Pneumonia.

Oral Health Issues

Many people like to enjoy the hit of burnt vape. But it severely impacts the oral health of vapers. The burnt fumes stick to the surface of the teeth and attract the bacteria to cause cavities. The surface becomes more prone to cavities. Moreover, it also leads to increased gum inflammation, gum diseases, and dry mouth.


Local businesses or personalized homemade e-liquid makers use acetate of Vitamins to thicken the juice. This little compound does not seem harmful, but it actually causes severe damage to your respiratory system. The fumes of this acetate through burnt vape lead to lung disorders, breath difficulty, chest pain, and increased inflammation. A study also concluded that the use of Vitamin E acetate leads to severe respiratory health issues. 

Exposure To Toxic Substances

Burnt vape usually has residue and debris on it of many chemicals. The longer exposure to some of release harmful chemicals, through burnt vape may severely impact your overall health. The frequent use of burnt vape means you are filling your body with a substance that directly reduces immunity. It makes your body weak and more prone to inflammation, and infections and takes more time to recover. Therefore, it is always advised to stop using burnt coils no matter how pleasing.


Burnt vaping is one of the main problems that many vapers experience every now and then. However, most vapers do like the flavor of hitting burnt vape, while some just are too lazy to change it and keep using it. But over time, many vapers started to question whether the use of burnt vape was good or not. 

The use of burnt vape is not good. Hitting a burnt vape can lead to severe health issues. It causes lung problems, breathing issues, increased inflammation, oral disorders, and coughing. The prolonged use of burnt vape also increases the level of toxic substances in your body and decreases immunity. 

You can avoid burnt vaping with the help of some effective tips. Regularly clean the tank and coil. If the coil is damaged, remove it and replace it with a new one. Moreover, it is better to use the same flavor instead of changing flavors. As it helps the coil from getting residue on it. 

Considering the range of disposable vapes offered by ALD, the Fresor MAX Beast stands out as a top recommendation for vapers seeking a high-quality and convenient vaping experience.

With an impressive 9000 puff count, this device ensures an extended and enjoyable vaping experience per session without the need for refilling. The smart dual mesh technology and 500mAh in-built battery guarantee consistent flavor delivery and maximum satisfaction for seasoned vapers. Consider investing in the Fresor B7000 for a unique and tech-savvy vaping experience


Is hitting a burnt vape bad?

Yes, using a burnt vape is bad. The prolonged use of burnt vape not only damages the device but also leads to severe health issues. 

What health issues does burnt vaping cause?

Burnt vaping causes various respiratory problems, lung issues throat irritation, breathing problems, coughing, and oral health issues. Moreover, it also exposes potentially harmful other chemicals like Vitamin E acetate, formaldehyde, and diacetyl to the body. This results in increased inflammation and lung problems.

Can I fix a burnt vape?

Well, yes sometimes, it is possible to fix your burnt vape. There are various reasons which cause the terrible burnt flavor to effect when you hit. Thoroughly clean the tank and coil with solutions like water or vodka. If the burnt taste still remains, then change the coil.

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