Brand New Disposable Vape Not Working? How to Fix it?

2 July 2024
Have you ever imagined that you would buy a modern vape, but later on, you will get to know that it is not functioning properly? However, you were eager to have its first powerful puff, but now it seems impossible. Yes, it is frustrating!! Hold on before you throw it out or begin to rant over every decision you made in life that brought you to this point. We can help you have the first puff and handle your frustrating vaporless issue. Here, we will examine the possible causes of your disposable vape, why it's not working, and tips and techniques to fix it.
Troubleshooting 101: Why Isn't My Brand New Disposable Vape Working?
Failing to Fire Up
When you are frustrated, you usually take your vape out and enjoy its puff. However, it can be not very pleasant when it does not create any vapor. We have listed down a few concerns over the issue.
Battery Issues: Disposable vapes usually have pre-charging when they are brand-new, but there's a very low probability that one may not work properly. Though it happens in some cases only, it might be one reason. Before addressing any more possible issues, check your battery status.
Airflow Problems: Many vapes don't produce puff when they have no tight seal. They need tight packing to create the puff, and if not, the air escapes and may burn the vape. Assemble the vape's parts and try firing it up.
Contact Points: It can also happen that the internal parts of the vape have loose connections or are not even connected. Usually, this is a manufacturing fault that you can fix on your own. If the connections are loose or need to be fixed, you better use an alternate device.
If you found vapor coming from your vape juice, but it's poor and disappointing, these are a few issues that may happen with your vape.
Clogged Airflow: Your vape may have blocked air passageways, which would explain the minimal or absent vaporization from the device. Check the vape carefully, and if you find any blockages, try clearing them to ensure proper airflow.
Low Battery: The vape's battery can be another reason for week hits. If the battery is running out of power or near its end, it may produce weak puffs. If you have a disposable vape, so you need to replace it.
E-Liquid Issues: When e-liquid hits the coil, the vape pen produces vapor. Sometimes, e-liquid doesn't hit the coil properly, resulting in weak vapor. Though it is uncommon, this problem can occur. However, you can shake the vape device and restart it so that the e-liquid absorbs in the coil properly.
You can solve these minor issues of your vape and fix them. All you need to know is the right issue and its solution to fix it to have a more pleasurable experience.
How to Fix a Brand New Disposable Vape?
As we learn the causes and fixes of new and most reliable disposable vapes, we will learn how we should proceed with repairing them. Here, we list down some fixing methods.
Waking from the Dead battery life
If the vape device's problem is with airflow, then give it a rest. Sometimes, all it takes is to put your vape at rest for a few minutes to reactivate it.
If it's still not working, there may be an issue with misaligned internal connections. Firmly tap the vape device on a soft surface so it can help realign them.
If the problem is with the wicking, you could try gently warming the device through your hands to improve the e-liquid's absorption.
Intensifying Weak Performance
Firstly, clear your device's airpath. Ensure there are no obvious obstructions, and gently remove them with a toothpick or pin.
Try to save and protect the device's battery. However, you can't do anything with the disposable vape's battery to prevent it from expiring, so you need to replace it with another device.
Gently shake the device. A gentle shake of the vape device might enhance the vaping experience by distributing the e-liquid more evenly.
Safety Caution
Making the most and best of your disposable vape is terrific, but you should consider safety as the first priority. If you think there's an issue with the device, consult a professional. But never try on your own to accessorize or alter the device's battery. It will not only damage the vape but also seriously risk your safety.
Unpacked Vape Properly
Generally, a disposable vape has a capacity of 2 ml, but many other vape devices can handle much more. However, more than the desired amount, it's crucial to make sure the gadget won't leak. Additionally, you need to keep the device from turning on while it's inside the packaging, as this could lead to overheating.
The majority of disposable vapes come in airtight pouches, so it would avoid leaks and unintentional activations. However, several manufacturers go above and beyond by using extra stickers or plugs to cover the airflow holes. Make sure there are no plugs or stickers on both ends of a new disposable vape before using it. Take them out and dispose of them.
Check Vape for a Leak
Even when there is no mishap or bad intentions by manufacturers, a disposable vape could leak into the packaging. It could happen if the air pressure changes or there is unintentional overfilling of e-liquid in the device. A short circuit could occur if e-liquid inside the vape gets into other parts and contaminates them. You may skip further troubleshooting stages in this article if you notice leakage in a new disposable vape that isn't working. Your vape is probably dead. If possible, you can get the alternate device and return it to the seller.
Check the Way You are Holding Vape
Examining the device's design is important if you're attempting to use a new disposable vape device you haven't bought. You should check the airflow if you had problems earlier. Locate the air holes of the vape device. It's crucial to be mindful while holding a vape device because if your palm covers the input holes, it might not work properly. The intake ports of a disposable vape are usually on the bottom. However, you may come across gadgets with vents on the side that aid in promoting the development of larger clouds.
Puff a Little Harder
When you inhale from the vape, most disposable vapes produce vapor, which is how they are usually made. But How? It is done as devices have airflow sensor, which activates the gadget when air passes through it. There's a possibility of a device that the airflow sensor on your brand-new disposable vape isn't efficient enough to produce an automatic puff. A blockage obstructs the device's airflow if it isn't producing vapor or blinking when you pull air through it.
Try inhaling it with more energy to get air to pass through the disposable vape device. To clear the blockage, you should inhale deeply. When the gadget starts operating, a "pop" sound will appear at the point of activation.
If the airflow sensor in your disposable vaporizer isn't clogged but still functions when you inhale more forcefully, it's likely malfunctioning. To keep the device working, you have to keep puffing harder than usual. To improve the air pressure during vaping, consider partially covering one of the airflow openings with your finger.
Rechargeable Vape is not Working? Charge the Battery
Is there a USB port on your disposable vape device? You can recharge the battery if it comes with a USB port. There are a few chances that the disposable vape you're using self-discharged while it was in the packaging. Otherwise, every device comes with a fully charged battery when it comes out of the box. The longer the gadget stays in packaging, the higher the chance of self-discharge. Attempting to use the disposable vape will result in it not working and not lighting up. Check to see if the device lights up after connecting it to your computer. Find out more about recharging a disposable vaporizer.
When the power cable connects with the vape device, and it does light up, wait until the battery has fully charged. The light will either turn off or change color from red to green upon complete charging. The device might then function normally. If the battery on your disposable vaporizer never fully charges or if it stops working after charging, the item is likely defective, and you should return it to the seller if possible.
Does the Disposable Vape Have Adjustable Airflow? Open It
Have you seen the recent increase in the popularity of disposable vapes with adjustable airflow? The more these gadgets are gaining popularity, the more seasoned vapers are using them. Particularly those vapers who are very particular about their device's airflow quality. A disposable vape can produce a mouth-to-lung hit similar to a cigarette or a more restricted direct-to-lung draw by using a dial and tab to adjust the airflow.
However, you can entirely stop the airflow with a disposable vape that offers adjustable airflow. It is quite difficult to draw air through your device if the airflow is restricted. It's also likely that the gadget won't function when you want. Here, you have to adjust your disposable vape device by a pretty easy method. All you have to do is open the airflow.
Brand New Disposable Vape is Tasting Burnt?
Is the flavor of your brand-new disposable vape burnt? Disposable vaporizers with a burnt taste aren't naturally defective, but they also offer you a pleasurable experience. If the device does not give you the flavor you like, give it a few gentle taps against your palm. A few air bubbles in the device may keep the e-liquid from completely soaking the wick. Consider holding off on taking puffs for a little longer if the gadget occasionally produces a burned flavor.
Check to Confirm that Your Disposable Vape is Authentic
While you may already be aware that there are artificial vape pens on the market, you might not be aware that millions of these devices are likely on store shelves and appealing to you. If your newly purchased disposable vape device isn't working, you should look for an authenticity code on the box. Verify the device's authenticity by seeing the manufacturer's website and entering the code. Visit the Innokin product page for device authentication.
If Every Step Fails, Return the Brand New Disposable Vape to the Retailer
Even the greatest vapes occasionally malfunction, and since disposable vapes come in such large quantities, this is especially likely to happen with these devices. Every week, millions and millions of disposable vape devices are bought all over the world. A small percentage of devices may inevitably experience malfunctions with those numbers. You should return your new disposable vape to the store where you bought it if you are unable to get it to operate even after trying the advice in this article. A reputable vape shop will always allow returns or exchanges when a new device doesn't function.
What do you do when your disposable vape is not working?
A malfunctioning connection or a battery protection mechanism could render a brand-new disposable vape ineffective. To turn on the vaporizer, try lightly drawing on it. Whether the gadget is still not working, look for its button or seal, which you must remove or press to return.
How do you know if your vape is charged?
Disposable vaporizers are already charged and operational. Nevertheless, there's no simple method to verify the charge if they're not functioning. If they don't create vapor, they may break, or the battery may be low.
What do I do when my disposable vape device produces burn flavor?
The vape devices produce burn flavor when they are running out of the e-liquid. Another reason could be low e-liquid quantity in devices. They can't be refilled, so once you feel a burnt taste, you can throw them away and get a new one.
Can you fix the leakage of your disposable vape?
Leakage in disposable vapes occurs when there's a manufacturing fault in it. Disposable vapes are designed in a way that they have no option of refilling. So once they get leaked, it's better to dispose of it or get its replacement.
What is the lifespan of disposable vape?
The longevity of disposable vapes depends on multiple factors. One is its size and the other is its usage. They usually have a lifespan till they have e-liquid in it. You can have 200-3000 puffs from a single vape, and once it runs out, you can throw them.
When vapers got to know that their devices were not flavoring the way they should, they felt disappointed. You need to identify the right cause and its solution to make it work out. If it's not fixed, you can have many more to try out. Every puff has its flavor and needs to be taken. So, using this guide, you'll get to know whether you should get your fix or get a new one.